HydraFerret Command Line Interface (CLI)

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This is a placeholder page showing the help output from HydraFerret. This should be expanded at a later date to give a fuller description of each command. Newer versions of HydraFerret are likely to have a bigger command and configuration set. Check the help command of your installed system(s)

Note the HydraFerret command line is presented on the serial port running at 115200 baud, 8 bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. It is mirrored on BlueTooth (if enabled) and telnet (if enabled). Precompiled versions of HydraFerret do not include BlueTooth support as it adds to consderably to the image size. This console is a single console device that is "screen shared" between devices. When blueTooth or telnet is connected, it will prompt for a password but the password can be entered from any connected device. The default password is "MySecret", this is case sensitive.

Command Set

This is similar to the output of the help command without any parameters. You can also specify the command as a parameter to help, to get help on the specific command.

adc [<pin> disable]
adc [<pin> <unit-of-measure> <attenuation> <offset> <multiplier>]
    Configure adc (Analogue to Digital Conversion)
    NB: pin number must be in range 32-39
        attenuation range 0-3 sets FSD: 0=800mV, 1=1.1V, 2=1.35V, 3=2.6V
        voltages beyond those indicated may produce non-linear results
altitude [<altitude> [m|ft]]
    Set altitude of unit for pressure compensation
ansi [{bold|command|error|normal|time} <attribute-list>]
ansi [test]
    Set colour attributes when ANSI colourisation is enabled
    Attribute-list is a semicolon separated list of the following:
    Attributes: support may vary between terminal types
        0 - reset       1 - bold      3 - italic     4 - underline
        5 - blink       7 - reverse video            9 - strikeout
    Colours: "30 + number" for text, "40 + number" for background
        0 - black       1 - red       2 - green      3 - yellow
        4 - purple      5 - purple    6 - cyan       7 - white
    "test" gives a preview of the colour combinations described above
cert [{ota|xymon} <fileName>]
    Certificate file to use if using https for transfers
    Clear terminal contents
combine [<unitName>]
    Combine graphs from this unit with <unitName>
compensate [css811 <n> [hdc1080|bme280] <i>]
    Apply temperature compensation to css811[n] from device[i]
    Display configuration
constant [<0-9> <value> [<label]]
    define a constant against memory index and optionally label it.
    recall using rpn calculator with"k" operator, eg: "rpn adc.var 7 k *"
    The label may be up to 20 chars long, it is only displayed by "constant"
counter <0-7> disable
counter <0-7> <0-39> <unique-name> <unit_of_measure> <offset> <multiplier>
    configure counter <0-3> on pin <0-39> with a unique name/identifier with a
    straight line conversion of <offset> and <multiplier> (default 0.0 and 1.0)
critical|extreme|warning <devicetype> <0-n> <val> disable
critical|extreme|warning <devicetype> <0-n> <val> <rpn-expression>
    enable or disable alerting thresholds on sensors
    Use "inventory" to list devicetype, val follows first 4 letters of test
      adc:      adc
      bh1750:   lux
      bme280:   temp, humi, pres
      counter:  var
      css811:   co2, tvoc
      ds1820:   temp
      ina2xx:   amps, volt, watt
      veml6075: uv
      output:   outp
      serial:   var
cpuspeed [240|160|80|0]
    Set CPU speed in MHz, try to use the lowest viable to save power consumption
    Use zero to use factory default speed
del <filename>
    Delete a file
devicename [<device-name>]
    Set unique device name to identify this unit (16 char max length, avoid spaces)
devicename <devicetype> <0-n> <device-name>
    Name a sensor device, use "inventory" to list device types
dewpoint [bme280|hdc1080] <0-n> <dewpointname|"none">
    Name a dew point for a temperature sensor, or use none to disable
    Directory listing of file system
dump <devicetype>
    Dump raw data held for a device type, use "list devices" to list types
[enable|disable] [ansi|consolelog|memory|otaonboot|showlogic|startupdelay|telnet]
    Enable or disable ANSI colourisation of console text
    Enable or disable logging of console input to /console.log
    Enable or disable display of memory settings
    Enable or disable check for over the air (ota) update on booting
    Enable or disable display of rpn logic for alerts
    Enable or disable 30 second delay on start
    Enable or disable telnet service
erase config
    Erase all configuration settings and restart
help [<command>]
    Display list of command and brief description
hibernate <number> [mins|hours|days]
    Go to deep sleep from now for a period of time, default time measure is mins
hibernate [<start> <end>]
    Go to deep sleep daily between start and end times in hh:mm format
    disabled if start and end times match
    Display recent command line history
i2c [<0-1> <sda> <scl> [speed]]
    Set i2c pins, eg: 21 and 22 for bus-0, and 5 and 4 for bus-1
identify <pin> [invert]
identify [on|off|flash|fflash|sflash] [persist]
    Configure ID LED pin, on, off or flash with fast and slow options
    Define state. Without "persist" state is cleared on restart
interval [<devicetype> <seconds>]
    Define time interval between each measurement(1-300 seconds)
    Show inventory of connected/configured devices
list|show [devices|tz|vars]
    List supported device types, timezone names or sensor variables
ntp [<server-name>|none]
    Set network time protocol (NTP) server to source time signal
onewire <bus-number> [disable|<pin>]
    Configure Dallas OneWire devices
opacity [bh1750 <number> <factor>]
    Set the opacity of light sensor cover, uncovered sensor is typically 1.2
    Permissable factor range is 0.5 - 1.5
ota [update|revert|<url>]
    Check and apply over the air update
    Revert to previous installation.
    Set base URL for OTA metadata and image
output [<index> disable]
output [<index> default <value>]
output [<index> <pin> <relay|pwm|servo|var> <name> <rpn expression>]
    Configure output pins
password [<password>|none]
    Set password for Telnet connections
    set altitude based on normalised pressure (QNH)
quit [number]
    Quit from telnet session, or cause a specific telnet ID to quit
read <filename>
    Read the contents of the file
repeat [count [interval]]
    Repeat the previous command count times at interval seconds
    Default count and interval are 1 if not specified
resistor [ina2xx <index> <milliohm>]
    Set resistance of shunt resistor for voltage measurement
    Restart system, this is required if configuration changes have been made
rpn <expression>
    Evalute rpn expression and show stack evaluation
serial [0|1] <rx-pin> <tx-pin> <speed> <bits>
serial [0|1] [disable|pms5003|zh03b|mh-z19c|winsen|ascii|nmea]
    Set up serial port's I/O pins, speed and device type configuration
    Winsen devices include: ze27-03, zp07/08-ch20, zc05/zp14-ch4, ze15/ze16b-co, zph01/02-pm2.5
    Scan device busses for attached devices
terminate [now|<minutes>]
    Terminate command mode after n minutes from start, or now
    0 means do not terminate, otherwise must be between 1 and 60 minutes
timezone [defn]
    Set timezone, may be set using full TZ string or short cut
      use "list tz" for short-cuts, or enter time specification, eg
      UTC-03:00  for East African Time
wifi [<number> <ssid> [<password>]]
    configure wifi 0-3 with ssid and optional password
wifimode [alwayson|ondemand]
    set wifi to be "always on" or on connect "on demand"
wifiscan [enable|disable]
    set wifi to scan for non-hidden ssids and use strongest signal
    NB: the network used must be predefined by "wifi", or it will be ignored
write <filename>
    Write the contents of the file
xysecret [<string>|none]
    Define a "xysecret" field to send when using http/s to xymon server.
xyserver [<DNS-name>|<IP-Address>|<URL>|none [port-number]]
    Define the xymon server and port. Port 1984 used if not explicitly defined
    If using a URL, the port number is ignored.

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